Polished Agates



Many of these are agates that I have cut for myself, many are from Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. None of the photos are enhanced - indeed, the photos don't do these proper justice. They are all have as high a polish as is possible have no visible scratches. I am extremely picky about that. Many of these are rare types that you simply aren't going to find for sale anywhere else. Slabs are noted, otherwise these are rough pieces with one side cut and polished.
All pieces will be sent Parcel Post mail or flat rate priority mail ($9.55 - $20.95), depending on weight, whichever is less unless you specify the shipping method. The majority will be priority mail padded flat rate envelope = $9.55.
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I also accept money orders and cashier's checks in the mail. I accept cash, debit & credit card payments if you pick up your rocks here (Oregon City)!
Click on the cart next to the price to purchase a thunderegg via Paypal.
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I'll be adding more as time allows, so check back often :)
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Optional: Purchase display stands for your specimens!

SOLDmeans just what it says. Please do not click on the Cart button if it says SOLD

All sizes are the longest dimension in inches. Click on the number or the pic to see the large photo.








Agate 01 Graveyard Point plume agate, Owyhee Mtns. OR 3 3/4" piece, this is a perfect example of the famous Graveyard Point white plume agate. It has a few "3D" plumes floating in the clear agate.


Agate 02 Polka Dot agate, Ashwood, OR 5" piece, There's a reason it's called polka dot :) I like the pattern of dots in this one.


Agate 03 Polka Dot agate, Ashwood OR 5 1/2" slab, lotsa dots! One cent with a $20 order from any of the polished specimens for sale pages! Please pick only one for each order.

One cent!

Agate 04 Sheep Creek Agate, OR 3 1/2" piece, brown/gold jasper in white/clear agate. This location is closed to the public forever. Tons of it were dug by rockhounds through the 70s.


Agate 05 Graveyard Point Plume agate, OR 4 3/4" piece, this is black marcasite plume from the Purple Sage claim, which has been obliterated. The marcasite is littered with flecks of pyrite which doesn't happen with any other plume agate that I know of.


Agate 06 Brazilian Agate nodule 4", thick slice. I'll leave it up to you to decide what the heck it looks like :)


Agate 07 Brazilian Agate nodule 3" half of a nodule, the orbs are something I don't see too often in these.


Agate 08 Graveyard Point Plume agate, OR 4 1/2" nice chunky piece with white plumes. The plumes have a 3D effect yuo can see rows if them fading into the background.


Agate 09 Unknown Agate, OR 3 1/2" piece, multicolored opaque agate.


Agate 10 Polka Dot agate, Ashwood OR 3 1/2" piece, classic brown dots and brown-gold patches.


Agate 11 Unknown agate 3" piece, your guess is as good as mine! One cent with a $20 order from any of the polished specimens for sale pages! Please pick only one for each order.

One cent!

Agate 12 Montana agate, Yellowstone River, MT 4" half of a nodule. It looks 10 times better than the photo or your money back!


Agate 13 Graveyard Point plume agate, OR 3' piece, the gold colored plumes come from the Northridge claim, dug out decades ago.


Agate 14 Polka Dot Agate, Ashwood, OR 3 1/4 " p*+iece, just the dots please, ma'am!


Agate 15 Valley View thunderegg mine, Ochoco Mtns., OR 3 3/4" piece, great waterline agate scene. This is an oddball and hardly ever found in the wild. It's from a thunderegg mine in the Ochocos, and you need permission to dig in this mine. It's the broken out agate core of a thundergg, so there is no "shell" at all on it. This happens naturally, probably due to water seeping in between them and freezing, pushing them apart.


Agate 16 Maury Mountain Moss agate, OR 4 1/2" piece, very dense red, gold and green moss. One cent with a $20 order from any of the polished specimens for sale pages! Please pick only one for each order.

One cent!

Agate 17

Graveyard Point Plume agate, OR

5", piece, very nice light brown plumes in a transparent background. It COULD be Graveyard Point, I personally haven't seen any agate quite like it.



Agate 18 Graveyard Point Plume agate, OR 3 1/2" piece, nice tall plumes reaching up into a botyroidal agate top.


Agate 19 Maury Mtn. Moss agate OR 3 1/2" piece, the brown moss is unusual when it's not mixed with the typical green or red.


Agate 20 Polka Dot Agate, Ashwood, OR 3 1/2" piece, nice gold and brown colors with a few lonely dots at the top.







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I accept electronic payments or credit cards via PayPal only! If you have a PayPal account, would like to set up an account, or would like to use their one-time transfer feature without signing up for an account, please feel free to try the shopping cart by clicking the cart button next to each item. I will bill S&H charges to your PayPal account once I have your order ready to ship. If you don't want to use PayPal, please CONTACT ME HERE.
You MUST allow cookies and popups for the PayPal site to work! (I get complaints that Paypal is "broken" at least once a week. It is ALWAYS because your web browser and/or firewall is blocking information from Paypal)
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Do not ever email anyone your credit card number! If someone asks you for it, they are attempting to steal it! If you email me your credit card number, it will likely be stolen since one of tens of thousands of bots will probably intercept any email that looks like it has a credit card number in it. I wouldn't know what to do with it anyway, that's what PayPal is for.


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Tim Fisher

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